Interview with a Candy Wrapper, the Lollipop Edition

It’s not often, I do a story myself.  I have a team writers so I don’t have to. This leaves me the freedom to investigate and track leads.   But this story is so hot, I felt I should do this one.

If you have been on twitter #cruzsexscandal has been over the top and widely circulated but let’s not forget the anonymous video released that promised if Cruz did not drop out his dirty secrets would come out.  I can say this day has come, given the release from the National Enquirer.  But Avenger has a leg up on everyone. Our anonymous source found one of the alleged escorts who Ted Cruz frequented.  Her picture released in our previous story is not how she looks today.  Let’s call her Jane Doe.

We were given the exclusive interview done by the detective that found her.  We will not disclose her real identity nor her location, since the initial leak she has gone off the radar.  She was found in a West Texas trailer park after a former escort feared that she would too become part of this drama and gave up her location. As promised, both identities are strictly confidential and shall remain anonymous.  For now, we are just releasing some parts of this explosive transcript.  An excerpt of his interview with our Jane Doe is transcribed below.  Be forewarned it’s explosive.  While we believe 100% that is true, we’re are advised to refer to the statements below as allegations.  I do have the video of this conversation.  Our job is to shed light and not to master.

Detective: As agreed during our interview, your identity and location will be kept secret, as sworn and recorded. When, did you first meet Ted Cruz?

Jane Doe: 2004, I was 18 and my regular client in Dallas gave him the contact. It is not unusual for this to happen, many clients for the service I worked with are lobbyist, donors, attorneys and politicians. That is why, I am scared for my life that you found me.

Detective: I will not disclose any location or your true identity, I found you because one of your former clients gave me the information. That led me to one of your associates that brought me here. I did this because if I can find you, others can as well. This interview is only to assure you are who they say you are. Your face will be not shown, nothing will be asked to directly identify you.

Detective: Did Ted Cruz ever tell you he was married?

Jane Doe: Some clients do and some do not, he never said anything about being married. He seemed to need mothering of some sort, before we engaged in some of his requested acts.

Detective: Requested acts?

Jane Doe: sometimes I would dress as a catholic school girl for role play, that is popular with many clients though. Other times he would request for me to dress like a judge.

Detective: I see, so would you say he is odd than other clients?

Jane Doe: Who am I to judge my clients? I just do what, I am paid for and go on my way.

Detective: What locations would you meet him?

Jane Doe: Houston/Dallas and I have been to Alexandria as well.

Detective: Virginia?

Jane Doe: Yes

Detective: How many times would he visit you within a week?

Jane Doe: In the beginning, it was every time he had business in either of the locations. He would even pay for my flights to Baltimore then rent a car for me to drive to Alexandria.

Detective: Have you ever seen his wife?

Jane Doe: Yes, many times were close calls. I guess that is why I am terrified how I was found.

Detective: I only found you because of your friend/associate. I think she is about to leave as well.

Jane Doe: After this, I will have to move again. I am leaving Texas and I wished I had never met him. I never experienced this kind of problem as an escort. I knew, when he said he was going to run for president that I would be at risk. As a senator, I was not worried. I have met many politicians doing this service but never had my life been at risk.

Detective: You have my contact so you can reach me if you need help. Let’s get back to talking about Ted more.

Did anyone give you a specific phone at any time for contact?

Jane Doe:  yes, until recently. I was getting weird calls with no way to call it back. The number would be local and I would answer to silence. None of the calls were of the same number, so I threw away the phone.

Detective: So, you are saying this is why you feel threatened?

Has he ever called you recently?

Jane Doe: Yes, it is why I feel threatened and No, he has not called since January. This is when all the strange calls started.

At this time, we are deciding to either pass this on to syndicated publication or what are our legal options. We will update once a decision is made.


27 Comments Add yours

  1. msland says:

    He’s Bill Clinton!! or is he John Edwards?


  2. Dear Dubious, practice what you preach! you seem to be no more than a troll with hurt feelings.


  3. Allen says:

    This is such a faked interview!! Ted is right, “uneducated”…..I bet Ann Coulter is involved…she is a hack!


    1. Sara says:

      The client? Interview is about Ted Cruz. This is why Ted is so pissed, totally exposed. I believe it, Ted had allegations of this long time ago and continues his bs


      1. Tom says:

        Everyone in DC on the Hill knows Cruz likes escorts as many of them do, his problem is that he has been careless, using the same hookup locations. That’s another reason none of his co-workers want anything to do with him and is keeping their distance, he might spill the beans on them also. The press is trying to keep the noise down, but its too late. Wisconsin voters, don’t be fooled by this guy, he can’t and will not win the GOP nominee, even if he wins Wi., Trumps recent Missouri certification and win offsets Wi. Cruz cannot catch up or win 1237. Now, the race moves to the East again where Trump has won that whole section of the country and Cruz will not win any of the upcoming states. Its over.


  4. Dawn says:

    On the Avenger News an article about Cruz and one of his call girls. Might shed
    a light on these fiascos


  5. Karen Beck says:

    We need to get this out there .asap !!!


  6. Amanda says:

    I wouldn’t bother passing it on to syndicated publications (AS IF 😂). LAME! Nice try though.


  7. susanphd says:

    Hope you decide to release more information that is “iron clad.” Like the tapes for instance. A video interview for example. Otherwise, this whole thing can appear to be fake or “made-up.” In this culture, we are intelligent voters, and we require solid evidence, not innuendo. Good luck with your decisions.


  8. noamnesty says:

    Didn’t know he was married, but saw his wife many times and had close calls, lol? Square that hole, folks. If she didn’t know he was married, how did she know it was his wife?


    1. I found that odd as well, but I could justify it if I wanted to: When asked “Did Ted Cruz ever tell you he was married? Jane Doe responds he never SAID he was married. That doesn’t mean there couldn’t have been “close calls” with the wife. It simply means Cruz never opened up during one of his “sessions” with “Oh, by the way, I’m married.”


    2. She said he never mentioned a wife; never talked abut a wife. She didn’t say she didn’t know he was married. I doubt he took off his ring for an escort. They are smart gals they know a married man when they see one. But escorts are not paid to question or talk about a wife. They’d never get any clients that way. A wife is the lsat thing you’d want to come up .


  9. J. says:

    Cruz can’t keep his pants on.
    Look for future “allegations”.
    This is merely the tip of the iceberg.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sara says:

      She stated he didn’t mention that he was married, meaning he didn’t talk about it during visit. I’m sure she obviously knew he was married

      Liked by 1 person

    2. T. says:

      She didn’t say that she did NOT know that he was married. She was ASKED if he TOLD her that he was married. She answered that some clients do tell her and some do not. It’s perfectly possible to close that hole. A simple Google search after their first meeting would confirm he was married and also produce a photo of Heidi Cruz.

      Liked by 2 people

  10. Shalyah says:

    There are so many married Senators & Congressman around here (D.C.) who see call girls. It’s been talked about for years that Ted was one if them.


  11. Ryan D. Hall says:

    Reblogged this on ProphetPX on WordPress and commented:
    There is a VALID REASON WHY #CruzSexScandal has been trending ALL OVER Twitter for the past few days… It’s REAL!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. tempo150101 says:

    Someone’s got video and I can’t wait till it gets out. This is highly amusing to me. However, first and foremost it is sad. Sad that someone who presented themselves like Ted did couldn’t walk the walk. It’s sad that Cultural Marxism has dragged everybody into the sewer.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I want more than lies says:

    Yeah, not buying this one for a second. Anyone can do a write up such as this and consider it a fact.


  14. Sara Waterson says:

    Where’s the video?


  15. Josh says:

    This was the cheesiest thing I’ve seen in a while.

    Looks like it was written by a bored high school kid.

    Definitely faked.
    A bad fake at that.


  16. Max Headroom says:

    Hacker group “Anonymous” just gave Lyin’ Ted another warning: Stop lying and admit your sins or else video of an encounter with a mistress will be released.

    Lyin’ Ted has until 11:11pm EST to stop the lies and come clean.


  17. truth says:

    A bible in one hand and a pack of condoms in the other..


  18. I understand the potential commercial value of this piece, if it is legit. However, you include such a minuscule part of the interview, it loses most of its credibility. I don’t believe it. I must compliment you on avoiding a potential lawsuit, because piece says nothing actionable.


  19. John Doe says:

    Nice Terrapin Station quote dropped into the piece. Like the touch.


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